Frequently Asked Questions
How do I download a picture?
Don't screenshot! Open the site in a browser and hold down or right click on the picture.
Why do you take pictures?
I do it as a hobby, I also get requests to take pictures.
Are you part of yearbook or epitaph?
I'm part of yearbook, so the pictures on this website might get featured in the yearbook!
Do you go to every game?
Only the ones at homestead for now.
Can you please remove "@xxhansonmaxx" on the images?
No, it's just for trademark purposes :)
Can you remove a picture I'm in?
Of course! Just ask me.
Is this website just for sport photos?
No, theres's also photos of shows and other stuff.
I also take pictures can you put them on your website?
Yes of course! Just ask me!
How did you make this website? Did you use weebly?
I made everything from scratch with HTML, CSS and JS. Never use weebly!
Where did you learn to make websites and take pictures? is where I learned web dev, pictures I just figured it out myself.